
Our mission is to help people find a path no one knew was there (Psalm 77:19 NLT).

We have seen in our work and ministry around the world where we have ministered men and women, young people and children searching for something more.

We know what they are looking for: a fresh hope in the midst of emptiness, strength and joy for day to day living, healing for their deepest pain, courage for their greatest challenges, and spiritual peace that only the Gospel of Jesus Christ offers (Rom. 5:1).


  • To fulfill the Great Commission (Matt. 28:19,20)
  • To further the Kingdom of God through assisting ministries, churches, institutions, charitable organizations, mission enterprises, and the servants of Christ at home and abroad
  • To help people glorify God and enjoy Him in this life and in the next (Westminster Catechism#1)
  • To minister to the physical, emotional, mental and physical needs of those to whom we are called to help
  • To help people experience the reality of the Heidelberg Catechism Question #1


  • Churches and other Christian organizations
  • Global missionary endeavors and short-term mission trips
  • Teaching, preaching, counseling, bible studies, and writing
  • Conferences, seminars, education, social-media, and other forms of media
  • Crises and needs intervention